I love this quote too much
"People slap a rating on this thing that you've made! It’s just so wild! It’s just the craziest thing. I honestly think that that’s the craziest thing in the world, and that goes for like movies and whatever, anything that you have to create something. I think it’s really insane that in how big of a world we live in, that one person would then grade it. It’s insane! That’s crazy, and I just don’t really care for it... I haven’t read a Blood Orange review ever, and I disable the comments on YouTube videos, so I actually have no idea what people are really saying. Because, I mean it’s all kind of meaningless, but if a stranger in the street came up to you and just said: "Your jacket sucks."And then walked away, you’d be like "what the fuck?", and "who are you?", and "I like this and I just put this on..." But it will still bother you. Even though it’s someone who you'll never seen again in your entire life and you never knew them before, you'll be thinking about that, and you'll just be like “Shit, I thought it was really great, but..." So that’s what I think reviews are [like]."
- Dev Hynes (Blood Orange, Lightspeed Champion, Team Perfect) on reviews
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